3人の連邦判事が 退職を遅らせ,トランプの裁判所の空席を埋める計画を複雑にしています. Three federal judges delay retirements, complicating Trump's plans to fill court vacancies.
ドナルド・トランプ大統領選挙の後 民主党が任命した 3人の連邦判事が 退職計画を変更し Following Donald Trump's election as President, three federal judges appointed by Democrats have changed their retirement plans, preventing Trump from immediately filling potential vacancies. 共和党員から批判されるこの動きは,裁判官が生涯の任期を有する連邦裁判所制度の政治的操作の一部とみなされる. This move, criticized by Republicans, is seen as part of political maneuvering over the federal court system, where judges have lifetime appointments. 共和党の多数派上院が議長を任せる前に 民主党上院議員もバイデン大統領の候補者を 承認する急ぎを急いでいる. Senate Democrats are also rushing to confirm President Biden's nominees before a Republican-majority Senate takes over.