生き延びたメガナ・シェハルは、2004年の津波犠牲者を水泳リレーで讃え、回復力を表す。 Survivor Meghana Shekhar honors 2004 tsunami victims in swim relay, symbolizing resilience.
2004年にアンドマン諸島とニコバー諸島で津波に遭ったメガナ・シェクハルは,回復力と希望の象徴となった. Meghana Shekhar, a survivor of the 2004 tsunami in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, has become a symbol of resilience and hope. 震災から三日が経過して,やがて救助を受け,地域社会の支援と災害対策に生涯を捧げた. Stranded for three days after the disaster, she was eventually rescued and went on to dedicate her life to community support and disaster preparedness. この悲劇の20周年記念日に,メガナは、死去した者を称える100キロの水泳リレーに加入し,忍耐強い人間の精神を強調した. On the 20th anniversary of the tragedy, Meghana joined a 100-km swim relay in Car Nicobar's waters to honor those who perished, highlighting the enduring human spirit.