リベリアの議会の建物は,議長と大統領の追放を要求する抗議の最中に火災に遭った. Liberia's parliament building caught fire during protests demanding the ousting of the speaker and president.
リベリアの議会の建物は、政府による反政府デモが継続中、一週間で2度目の火災が発生した。 Liberia's parliament building caught fire during ongoing anti-government protests, marking the second fire in a week. デモ隊は,汚職主張による議会議長の解散とジョセフ・ボカイ大統領の辞任を要請している. Demonstrators are calling for the removal of the parliament speaker due to corruption allegations and for President Joseph Boakai to step down. 火の原因は未だ不明であるが,岡井社長は,その破壊を非難しながら調査を命じている. The cause of the fire remains unknown, and President Boakai has ordered an investigation while condemning the destruction. 議長を辞任する可能性があるため,議会の行き詰まりが原因で,状況が緊張しており,年次予算の通過を妨げています. The situation has been tense due to a parliamentary deadlock over the speaker's potential removal, which has prevented the passage of the annual budget.