ザムファラ州議会議長の住居が火災でひどく損傷した.被害者は報告されていません. Zamfara State House of Assembly Speaker's residence severely damaged by fire, no casualties reported.
週末にグサウにあるザムファラ州議会議長ビリアミヌ・モリキの住居が火災でひどく被害を受けました. A fire severely damaged the residence of Bilyaminu Moriki, Speaker of the Zamfara State House of Assembly, in Gusau over the weekend. 犠牲者はいなかったが,何百万ドルもの資産が破壊された. While there were no casualties, properties worth millions of Naira were destroyed. 議会事務官マフムード・アリユは哀悼の意を表明し,火災は神の行為だと説明しました. House Clerk Mahmud Aliyu expressed condolences and described the fire as a divine act. この事件は,政治人物や好意的な人々から同情を得ました. 彼らは,この困難な時期にスピーカーに支援を申し出ました. The incident has drawn sympathy from political figures and well-wishers who visited the Speaker to offer support during this challenging time.