ヴァンダーグリフトで銃撃事件で 3人が負傷 捜査中 Shooting in Vandergrift, PA, injures at least three people; investigation ongoing.
ペンシルベニア州ヴァンダーグリフトで 銃撃事件で 3人が負傷した At least three people were injured in a shooting that occurred early Sunday morning around 12:10 AM in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, on the 300 block of Longfellow Street. 傷 の 程度 は 分かっ て おら ず , 逮捕 さ れ た 人 も い ませ ん。 The extent of their injuries is unknown, and no arrests have been made. 地方当局は,この事件を調査しており,なお現在も進行中である. Local authorities are investigating the incident, which is still developing.