ブルックビルで8人が負傷 馬車が車や木に衝突 Eight injured in Brockville after horse-drawn wagon crashes into vehicles and trees.
木曜日の午後,オンタリオ州ブロックビルで競馬馬車が制御不能になったときに8人が負傷した. Eight people were injured when a horse-drawn wagon ride went out of control in Brockville, Ontario, on Thursday afternoon. 馬は,おそらく強い風の吹きで,動揺し,木に絡む前に駐車された車に走った. The horses became agitated, likely due to a strong gust of wind, and ran into parked vehicles before becoming tangled in trees. 全ての傷は命にかかわらず,この事件は事故として処理されている. All injuries were non-life-threatening, and the incident is being treated as an accident.