12歳と15歳の二人の子どもたちは,モンロー街でケンカをした後,命がけで発砲した傷跡で入院した. Two children, ages 12 and 15, were hospitalized with life-threatening gunshot wounds after a Monroe street fight.
12歳と15歳の二人の子どもたちは、スカイウォッチレーンでモンローのストリートファイトで銃撃事件が発生した後、命がけで入院した。 Two children, aged 12 and 15, were hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after a shooting during a street fight in Monroe on Skywatch Lane. 土曜日の午後6時30分頃に銃創のついた12歳の少年を発見し,15歳の少年はすでに病院に運ばれていた. Police found the 12-year-old with gunshot wounds around 6:30 p.m. on Saturday; the 15-year-old had already been taken to the hospital. モンロー警察は 公的情報を求めています The Monroe Police Department is investigating and seeking public information.