韓国の尹大統領は、弾劾に失敗した後、党に国政を任せている。 South Korean President Yoon lets his party manage state affairs after failing to be impeached.
韓国の尹錫悦(ユン・ソクヨル)大統領は、彼に対する弾劾動議が否決された後、与党に国政を任せることを決定した。 South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol has decided to let his ruling party manage state affairs following the failure of an impeachment motion against him. ただし,ヨオン政権と国民議会がすでに苦戦しているため,この動きは,国内でさらに混乱を招く恐れがある. However, with the Yoon administration and the National Assembly already struggling, this move could lead to further disruptions in the country.