アイルランドの屋根屋は,安全装置のない労働者を危険にさらすために停職処分を受ける. Irish roofer gets suspended sentence for endangering workers without safety gear, company fined.
24歳のアイルランド人屋根屋さん ジャック・アヴェンゾは,彼の会社であるWeather Master Roofing Limitedが屋根の改修中に安全装置を提供しなかったことで,労働者の命を危険にさらしたことで,イギリスで6ヶ月の仮釈放刑を宣告された. Jack Avenzo, a 24-year-old Irish roofer, received a suspended six-month prison sentence in the UK after his company, Weather Master Roofing Limited, endangered workers' lives by failing to provide safety equipment during a roof renovation. 厚生安全管理局(HSE)は,夜間の足場やエッジ保護を行わずに労働者が活動していることを知った. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found workers were operating without scaffolding or edge protection at night. 同社は4,000ポンドの罰金を支給され,アベンゾは3年間理事職に就かず,無給労働を120時間完了するよう命令された. The company was fined £4,000, and Avenzo was disqualified from being a director for three years and ordered to complete 120 hours of unpaid work.