17歳の少年は,ホームレスのデクラン・ハリバンに対する残忍な攻撃のために,18ヶ月の禁固刑を受けた. A 17-year-old boy received 18 months in detention for a brutal attack on homeless man Declan Quinlivan.
17歳の少年は,リメリック市でホームレスのデクラン・キリックリバンに対する残忍な攻撃に係る児童拘束センターで18ヶ月の懲役を言い渡された. A 17-year-old boy was sentenced to 18 months in a children's detention center for his role in a brutal attack on homeless man Declan Quinlivan in Limerick City. 攻撃は109回の蹴り打ちで 昆リヴァンは無防備で横たわっていた 攻撃者は彼の持ち物を盗んだ The assault involved 109 kicks and punches while Quinlivan lay defenseless, and the attackers stole his belongings. 少年が後悔を示し 早期有罪状を出したことで 刑期を短縮されたものの 裁判官は 仮刑は適用できないので 拘留が必要だと判断した Although the teen showed remorse and received a reduced sentence for his early guilty plea, the judge deemed detention necessary, as suspended sentences were not applicable.