47歳のカリヒ男 重傷 逮捕 足で追いかける警察官を 殺そうとした容疑で 今年ホノルルで 警官による銃撃事件が6回目 47-year-old Kalihi man critically injured, arrested for attempting to murder officer during foot chase; 6th officer-involved shooting in Honolulu this year.
ホノルル州カリヒの 47歳の男性が 警官を殺害しようとしたとして 逮捕され 負傷した. A 47-year-old man in Kalihi, Honolulu, was critically injured and arrested for attempting to murder a police officer after he allegedly fired at officers during a foot chase. 事件は警察が盗難したホンダCRVを 止めようとした時に始まった. The incident began when police attempted to stop a stolen Honda CRV. 容疑者は 殺人未遂を含む 複数の罪に問われています The suspect faces multiple charges, including first-degree attempted murder. 女性の乗客も逮捕されました 自動車に無許可で乗った罪で A female passenger was also arrested for unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle. ホノルルで今年で 6回目の警官による銃撃事件です This marks the sixth officer-involved shooting this year in Honolulu.