ボーゼマン警察は 銃を手に取った女性を 撃ち殺しました Bozeman police fatally shot a woman after de-escalation efforts failed when she picked up her gun.
2024年10月16日,ボゼマン警察が女性を銃で脅迫したことで殺害した. On October 16, 2024, a woman was fatally shot by Bozeman police after threatening a family member with a handgun. 2時間の捜索の後 警官がショッピングセンターの駐車場で 彼女を見つけ 3時間近く 鎮静を図った Following a two-hour search, officers found her in a shopping center parking lot and engaged in nearly three hours of de-escalation efforts. 状況が悪化すると彼女は再び銃を手にし 警察官に発砲させられ 死亡しました The situation escalated when she picked up her gun again, prompting officers to fire, resulting in her death. 負傷者はいません 独立調査が進行中です No officers were injured, and an independent investigation is underway.