警察は20歳の女性を銃で撃ち殺しました 彼女はナイフでバリケードを張ったのです Police fatally shot a 20-year-old woman in Maui after she barricaded herself with a knife.
マウイ州プカラニで,マチラ・デポンテという20歳の女性が2月1日に警察に射殺された. In Pukalani, Maui, a 20-year-old woman named Macayla Deponte was fatally shot by police on February 1 after she barricaded herself in a room with a knife following an abuse call. 警官は彼女にナイフを落とそうとしたが,彼女の進撃で2度発砲した. Officers tried to get her to drop the knife, but when she advanced towards them, an officer fired twice. マウイ警察は事件を捜査中であり,関係する警察官は行政の休職についている. The Maui Police Department is investigating the incident, and the involved officer is on administrative leave.