10月16日,アリゾナ州ノガレスにあるデコンチニ入港口で警察官による銃撃事件が発生し,一人負傷し,連邦捜査のために一時的に港が閉鎖された. On October 16, an officer-involved shooting at the Deconcini Port of Entry in Nogales, Arizona, injured one person and led to a temporary port closure for federal investigation.
10月16日,アリゾナ州ノガレスにあるデコンチニ入国口で警察官が関与した銃撃事件により,一人負傷し,トッソン病院に運ばれた. On October 16, an officer-involved shooting at the Deconcini Port of Entry in Nogales, Arizona, led to the injury of one person, who was airlifted to a Tucson hospital. 米国海关・国境警備局 (CBP) は事件を確認し,FBIや国土安全保障省を含む複数の連邦機関による調査のために港を一時的に閉鎖した. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confirmed the incident, prompting a temporary closure of the port for investigation by multiple federal agencies, including the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. 銃撃の詳細は 未発表です Details regarding the circumstances of the shooting remain undisclosed.