朝鮮対抗の宣伝を防ぐために 国境地帯を"危険地帯"に指定することを提案した. Gyeonggi Province Governor proposes designating border areas as "danger zones" to prevent anti-North Korea propaganda.
朝鮮対北朝鮮のプロパガンダのチラシの送付を防ぐために,金東陽州知事は,朝鮮対朝鮮国境沿いの地域を"危険地帯"と指定することを検討している. Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon is considering designating areas along the inter-Korean border as "danger zones" to prevent the sending of anti-North Korea propaganda leaflets. この提案は,北朝鮮と韓国の間の緊張が激化し, 無人機と気球の活動が非難された後に起こりました. This proposal follows escalating tensions between North and South Korea, with accusations of drone and balloon activities. 地方政府は 規制区域へのアクセスを制限し 違反者に罰則を課すことができる If enacted, the provincial government could restrict access to these zones and enforce penalties against violators.