英国経済2023年第2四半期成長率は,製造業と建設業が減少したことで,サービス業が主導した0.5%に下回りした. UK economy Q2 2023 growth revised down to 0.5%, driven by services, with manufacturing and construction declines.
国立統計局によると,英国の経済は2023年第2四半期に0.5%成長し,初見積もりの0.6%から下方修正された. The UK's economy grew by 0.5% in the second quarter of 2023, revised down from an initial estimate of 0.6%, according to the Office for National Statistics. 製造業と建設業は減少した.特に輸送機器の生産は3.1%減少した. This growth was driven by the services sector, while manufacturing and construction saw declines, notably a 3.1% drop in transport equipment production. 成長の鈍化により,今後の予算決定や金利政策に影響を及ぼす可能性があり,現在,世帯の貯蓄が増加しており,これはパンデミック以来の最高水準です. The slower growth could influence upcoming budget decisions and interest rate policies amid rising household savings, now at their highest since the pandemic.