アットモア警察が 夜遅くの銃撃事件を捜査中 銃撃被害者は 創傷センターに運ばれた Atmore Police investigate late-night shooting, gunshot victim airlifted to trauma center.
アトモア警察は アラバマ州アトモアで 土曜日の夜遅く 銃撃事件を捜査中です Atmore Police are investigating a shooting incident that occurred late Saturday night in Atmore, Alabama. 銃撃被害者は 民間車両で アトモアコミュニティ病院に運ばれ 重い状態で トラウマセンターに運ばれた A gunshot victim was transported to Atmore Community Hospital by private vehicle and is in serious condition, having been airlifted to a trauma center. 当局は容疑者の身元を特定し 被害者の状態と捜査の詳細を 発表します Authorities are working to identify the suspect and will release updates on the victim's condition and investigation details as they become available.