EU 外交政策担当官のボレルは,イスラエルとパレスチナの2つの国家による解決を直ちに求め,外交とUNRWAの支援を強く求める. EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell calls for immediate two-state Israeli-Palestinian solution, urging diplomacy and UNRWA support.
EU 外交政策担当官ジョセフ・ボレルは,イスラエル・パレスチナ紛争の二国解決に向けて直ちに行動するよう促し,停戦を待つよりも外交が必要であることを強調した. EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell urged immediate action towards a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing the need for diplomacy over waiting for a ceasefire. 外交関係評議会と国連総会で演説し,イスラエル軍の行動が民間人犠牲者を招いたことを批判し,UNRWAへの継続的な支援を求めた. Speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations and the UN General Assembly, he criticized Israel's military actions for causing civilian casualties and called for continued support for the UNRWA. ボレルはまた,この地域での平和を仲介する米国の努力の限られた成功にも言及した. Borrell also noted the limited success of U.S. efforts to broker peace in the region.