7月にはカナダのGDPが0.2%上昇し,そのほとんどは小売業によるもので,8月の結果は異なった. In July, Canadian GDP rose 0.2%, mostly driven by retail trade, with mixed results in August.
7月,カナダの実質GDPは0.2%上昇し,2,234兆カナダドル (1,733兆ドル) に達した.これは主に自動車の小売取引,特に自動車の1%の増加による. In July, Canada's real GDP rose by 0.2%, reaching C$2.234 trillion ($1.733 trillion), mainly due to a 1% increase in retail trade, particularly in motor vehicles. サービス業と商品生産産業もわずかな伸びを記録した. Services and goods-producing industries also saw modest gains. しかし,初期推計によると,8月のGDPはほとんど変わらず,石油・ガスと公共部門の伸びは製造業と輸送の減少によって相殺された. However, early estimates indicate that GDP for August remained largely unchanged, with gains in oil and gas and the public sector offset by declines in manufacturing and transportation.