カナダのGDPは5月に0.2%増加し,主に製造業と公共部門の成長による. Canada's GDP increased 0.2% in May, mainly due to manufacturing and public sector growth.
カナダのGDPは5月に0.2%上昇し,製造業と公共部門の拡大が加害した. Canada's GDP rose 0.2% in May, driven by expansions in manufacturing and the public sector, according to a report by Statistics Canada. 石油・ガスと並んで小売・卸売業は成長に負担をかけた. The retail and wholesale trade sectors, along with oil and gas, weighed on growth. 報告書は,トランス・マウンテン・パイプラインの拡張が成長に寄与していると指摘した. The report cited the Trans Mountain pipeline's expansion as contributing to the growth. カナダ統計局は,6月の成長率が0.1%にわずかに低下したと推定している. Statistics Canada estimated that growth was tempered slightly in June to 0.1%. 第2四半期には,実質GDPが年率2.2%で成長すると予測している. For the second quarter, the agency expects real GDP grew at an annualized rate of 2.2%.