湾岸の熱帯風が強くなって ハリケーンになり 湾岸に豪雨を降らせ メキシコ,テキサス,ルイジアナに 影響を与える Tropical system in the Gulf strengthens, may become a hurricane, brings heavy rain to Gulf Coast, mainly affecting Mexico, Texas, and Louisiana.
メキシコ湾の熱帯風系は,強まり,潜在的にハリケーンになる予報されています. A tropical system in the Gulf of Mexico is forecasted to strengthen and potentially become a hurricane. 湾岸の部分に豪雨が降ると予想され,特にルイジアナ州に登陸する前にメキシコとテキサス近くの地域に影響を与える. It is expected to bring heavy rainfall to parts of the Gulf Coast, particularly impacting areas near Mexico and Texas before making landfall in Louisiana. 予報担当者は状況が進展するにつれて 細心の注意を払っています Forecasters are monitoring the situation closely as it develops.