2021年FAO食品価格指数は,糖,乳製品,植物油の価格低下により1.1ポイント減126.8ポイントに低下し,穀物と肉の価格は上昇した. 2021 FAO Food Price Index fell 1.1 points to 126.8, driven by lower sugar, dairy, and vegetable oil prices; grain and meat prices rose.
2021年8月,国連食糧農業機関 (FAO) は,食品価格指数にわずかな減少を報告し,1.1ポイント減って126.8になった. In August 2021, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported a slight decline in its Food Price Index, which fell by 1.1 points to 126.8. この減少は,砂糖,乳製品,植物油の価格の低下によるものです. This decrease was driven by lower prices for sugar, dairy, and vegetable oils. しかし,穀物と肉の価格は上昇を続け,穀物価格は1.5%,肉価格は0.9%上昇した. However, prices for grains and meat continued to rise, with cereal prices up 1.5% and meat prices up 0.9%. FAOは,食料価格が依然として歴史的に高いままであり,世界の食料安全保障に重大なリスクをもたらすと警告した. The FAO cautioned that food prices remain historically high, posing significant risks to global food security.