8人が負傷 ペンシルベニアのドミニカ祭りの警察の銃撃事件 動機不明 8 injured, police shootout during Pennsylvania Dominican Festival; motive undetermined.
ペンシルベニア州アレンタウンで 銃撃戦で 8人が負傷 8 people, including alleged shooters, were injured in a shootout with police in Allentown, Pennsylvania. 事件は,日曜日の夕方,市の毎年恒例のドミニカ祭り中に起こった. The incident occurred during the city's annual Dominican Festival on Sunday evening. 警察は複数の人々が互いに銃撃し合っているところを発見し 銃撃犯と交戦した. Police found multiple people actively shooting at each other and engaged the shooters. 容疑者21歳のユニオール・ペラルタ・クインタナは 殺人未遂と重傷行為などの罪で 現在保釈を免れたまま拘束されています Yunior Peralta-Quintana, a 21-year-old suspect, faces charges including attempted homicide and aggravated assault, and is currently being held without bail. 銃撃の動機は調査中です 祭りとの関連は確認されていません The motive behind the shooting is under investigation, and no connection to the festival has been confirmed.