中国の沿岸警備隊の船は南シナ海でフィリピン漁船に水砲を撃ち,衝突した. Chinese coast guard ships rammed and fired water cannons at a Philippine fisheries vessel in the disputed South China Sea.
紛争地域である南シナ海周辺で,中国の沿岸警備隊の船がフィリピン漁船を水砲で撃ち,衝突させ,両国間の緊張を高めた. Chinese coast guard ships rammed and fired water cannons at a Philippine fisheries vessel near the disputed South China Sea, escalating tensions between the two countries. 中国艦船はフィリピン船を阻止し、さらに体当たりしたため、さらなるエスカレーションの可能性に対する懸念が高まった。 The Chinese ships blocked and even rammed the Philippine vessel, raising concerns over the potential for further escalation. この事件は海上と空中で 敵対的な対決を繰り返したものです This incident follows a series of hostile encounters at sea and in the air between the two nations.