ベネズエラ政府は,エドマンド・ゴンザレス,元野党候補に,選挙不正調査で宣誓証言を命じます. Venezuela's government orders Edmundo Gonzalez, former opposition candidate, to provide sworn testimony in election fraud investigation.
ベネズエラ政府は,前野党候補であるエドマンド・ゴンザレスを,選挙結果の争いの調査で宣誓証言をするよう命じた. Venezuela's government has ordered former opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez to provide sworn testimony in an investigation into disputed election results. これは,ゴンザレスや他の者が,7月28日の大統領選挙が不正だったと主張した結果です. This follows claims by Gonzalez and others that the July 28th presidential election was fraudulent. 治安部隊が2000人以上のデモ参加者と政治活動家を拘束したため 野党の指導者マリア・コリーナ・マチャドも 隠れ家になった. Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado has also gone into hiding as security forces detain over 2,000 demonstrators and political activists. バイデン政権は,マドゥロの勝利を認定したベネズエラ最高裁判所の判決を非難し",信頼性がない"と評した. The Biden administration condemns the ruling by Venezuela's Supreme Court certifying Maduro's victory, calling it "lacking all credibility."