中国企業 SOKECは 南スーダンナイル石油株式会社と契約を結んで 現代の石油精製所と貯蔵施設を建設する. Chinese firm SOKEC signs deal with South Sudan's Nile Petroleum Corporation to construct modern oil refinery and storage facilities.
中国企業 SOKEC は,南スーダン国営のナイル石油株式会社と,近代的な石油精製所と貯蔵施設の建設に関する契約に署名し,南スーダン石油産業の近代化と拡大に向けた重要な一歩を踏み出した. Chinese firm SOKEC has signed a deal with South Sudan's state-owned Nile Petroleum Corporation to construct modern oil refinery and storage facilities, marking a significant step toward modernizing and expanding South Sudan's oil industry. SOKECの即時投資により,生産能力と運用効率を向上させるため,両社は覚書に署名した. The companies signed a Memorandum of Understanding with immediate investment from SOKEC, aiming to enhance production capabilities and operational efficiency. SOKECの高級代表団は,施設の検査と精製所の運営の評価のため,サルジアートの油田を訪問し,将来の合意とプロジェクトは,南スーダン石油部門の継続的な開発とより広範な経済成長において重要な役割を果たすものと期待されています. The high-level delegation from SOKEC visited oil fields in Tharjiath to inspect facilities and assess refinery operations, with future agreements and projects expected to play a crucial role in the continued development of South Sudan's oil sector and broader economic growth.