インドネシアでは選挙法改正案を巡って 抗議活動家と警察が衝突し 全国的に抗議運動が起こりました Indonesian protesters clashed with police over proposed election law changes, sparking nationwide protests.
選挙法改正案をめぐって インドネシアの抗議者らは首都で警察と衝突した. 批判者たちは,大統領に政治王朝を確立させると主張した. Indonesian protesters clashed with police in the capital over proposed election law changes, which critics argued would allow the president to establish a political dynasty. 憲法裁判所の年齢基準の撤廃を含むこの変更は,全国的な抗議を巻き起こした. The changes, including a reversal of a constitutional court order regarding candidate age requirements, sparked nationwide protests. 副議長は後に,この選挙期間で提案された変更は取り下げられると発表した. The deputy speaker later announced that the proposed changes would be dropped for this election period.