輸出市場向けに穀物飼料の牛の生産に転換し,労働力問題に取り組んでいます. JBS Australia shifts towards grainfed cattle production for export markets and addresses labor challenges.
輸出市場での需要と労働力への課題が増加しているため,牛肉の最大加工業者であるJBSオーストラリアは,穀物飼料の牛への移行を提唱しています. JBS Australia, the biggest beef processor in the country, is advocating for a shift towards grainfed cattle due to increasing demand in export markets and labour challenges. 需要の増大に対応するために 生産能力を高め 穀物生産に施設を転換する投資を進めている. The company is investing in increasing its capacity and converting facilities to grainfed production to cater to the growing demand. 特定された2つの主要な要因は,米国での小さな群の大きさから生じる可能性と,加工事業における労働力課題です. Two key drivers identified are the potential coming out of a low herd size in the US and the labour challenge in the processing business. JBSは穀物飼料の牛の加工能力を高め,クイーンズランド州南東部のディンモア工場は,現在穀物飼料を主宰する施設であり,日本と韓国の穀物飼料の牛肉の需要が引き続き増加すると予想しています. JBS has increased its capacity to process grainfed cattle, with its Dinmore plant in South-East Queensland now being a grainfed-dominant facility, and expects demand for grainfed beef in Japan and South Korea to continue growing.