ビジネス大臣のレイノルズは,英国の政治的安定,税制,そしてビジネスに有利な措置は,最近の暴動にもかかわらず,投資家を惹きつけるだろうと述べています. Business Secretary Reynolds states UK political stability, tax regime, and pro-business measures will attract investors despite recent riots.
ビジネス大臣ジョナサン・レイノルズ氏は 最近の暴動にもかかわらず,英国の政治的安定,税制,ビジネス支援措置が投資家を惹きつけるだろうと考えています. Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds believes the UK's political stability, tax regime and pro-business measures will attract investors despite recent riots. レイノルズは,大投資家は暴動に怯えていないと述べ,成長戦略の一環として投資を高める政府の努力を強調した. Reynolds stated that big investors are not deterred by the riots and emphasized on the government's efforts to boost investment as part of its growth strategy. レイノルズはまた,一般市民に, 課題の中で地元のビジネスを支援するよう促しました. Reynolds also urged the public to support local businesses amidst the challenges.