南ロンドン・オルピントンで 銃撃で14歳と18歳の少年が 負傷 14- and 18-year-olds injured in a shooting in Orpington, South London, police investigating.
ロンドン南部 オルピントンで銃撃事件で 14歳と18歳の若者が負傷した. Three teenagers aged 14 and 18 were injured in a shooting in Orpington, south London. 警察は水曜日の午後10時頃 銃撃の報告を受け 銃撃の傷を負った被害者を発見しました Police were called to reports of a shooting at around 10pm on Wednesday, and found the victims with gunshot wounds. 18歳の少女は現場で治療を受け ロンドン救急車で病院に運ばれた. The 18-year-old was treated at the scene and taken to the hospital by the London Ambulance Service. 14歳の2人は 近くで見つかった The two 14-year-olds were found nearby. 3人の被害者は 命に関わる傷を負っていない All three victims sustained non-life-threatening injuries. 警察は犯罪現場を特定し,捜査を進めている. The police have established a crime scene and are carrying out enquiries. 犯罪専門のトライデント捜査チームのレイモンド・セカロンゴ警部は、市民に情報があれば警察に連絡するよう訴え、警察官が彼らの懸念を支援し、耳を傾けるために立ち会うことをコミュニティに保証しました。 Detective Inspector Raymond Sekalongo from the specialist crime Trident investigation team has appealed to the public to contact the police with any information and has assured the community that officers are present to support and listen to their concerns.