中国の鉄鋼産業は2023年末までに43%の超低排出量変換を達成し,排出量を60%削減します. China's steel industry achieves 43% ultra-low emission transformation by end-2023, reducing emissions by 60%.
中国の鉄鋼産業は持続可能な高品質の発展を追求し,汚染削減と炭素削減の課題に取り組むためにグリーン変革を推進しています. China's steel industry is pushing for a green transformation in pursuit of sustainable, high-quality development, addressing pollution reduction and carbon mitigation challenges. 鉄鋼の生産能力の43%が2023年末までに 超低排出量改造と主要なリンク改造を完了し,排出量の60%削減につながります. By end-2023, 43% of crude steel production capacity has completed ultra-low emission transformation and key link transformations, leading to a 60% emission reduction. 業界は来年までに80%の超低排出量変換目標を達成することを目指しています The industry aims to reach ultra-low emission transformation targets for 80% of capacity by next year.