ヒューストン南西部の警察官3人が暴行通報に応じ、ナイフを持った容疑者を射殺した。 3 police officers in southwest Houston shot and killed a knife-wielding suspect during a response to an assault call.
ヒューストン南西部では、ナイフで武装した容疑者が警察官3人によって射殺された。 In southwest Houston, a suspect armed with a knife was shot & killed by three police officers. 警官は暴行の通報に応じ、容疑者は墓地へ逃走した。 The officers responded to an assault call, where the suspect fled to a cemetery. 身の安全を恐れた警官らは銃を発砲し、容疑者を撃ち、容疑者は後に病院で死亡した。 Fearing for their safety, they fired their weapons, striking the suspect who later died in the hospital.