ヨハネスブルグでは、幼稚園でのネズミ毒摂取や10人の入院など、食中毒事件で48人の子供と2人の大人が医療処置を受けた。 48 children and two adults in Johannesburg received medical attention for food poisoning incidents, including rat poison ingestion at a preschool and 10 hospitalized cases.
南アフリカのヨハネスブルグで、2件の食中毒事件が発生し、48人の子供と2人の大人が医療処置を受けた。 48 children and two adults in Johannesburg, South Africa received medical attention due to two separate food poisoning incidents. 幼稚園で3~5歳の児童41人がネズミ毒を摂取し、大人2人と児童8人を含む10人が食中毒で入院した。 41 children, aged between 3-5, ingested rat poison at a preschool, while 10 individuals, including two adults and eight children, were hospitalized due to food poisoning. ハウテン州保健局は、特に子供が関与する食中毒事件の増加を懸念している。 The Gauteng Department of Health is concerned about the increase in food poisoning cases, particularly those involving children.