亡命希望者のイブラヒマ・バー氏は、危険な英仏海峡横断中に移民4人を殺害した罪で9年半の懲役刑を言い渡された。 Asylum seeker Ibrahima Bah sentenced to 9.5 years for manslaughter of 4 migrants during unsafe English Channel crossing.
亡命希望者のイブラヒマ・バー氏は、「航海に適さない」ボートで英仏海峡を危険に横断中に溺死させた移民4人を過失致死させた罪で9年6か月の判決を受けた。 An asylum seeker, Ibrahima Bah, has been sentenced to nine years and six months for the manslaughter of four migrants who drowned during a dangerous crossing of the English Channel in an "unseaworthy" boat. セネガル出身のバー氏は過失致死と英国への不法入国幇助の罪で有罪判決を受けた。 Bah, who is from Senegal, was found guilty of manslaughter and facilitating illegal entry to the UK. 裁判官のジョンソン判事は、ボートは英仏海峡横断には航海に耐えられず、この事件は「亡くなった人とその家族にとって悲劇」であると述べた。 The judge, Mr. Justice Johnson, stated that the boat was not seaworthy for a Channel crossing and that the incident was a "tragedy for those who died and for their families."