22歳児はサンディエゴの自宅火災から家族を救う。 家は無傷のままだ。 22-year-old saves family from San Diego home fire, leaving house uninhabitable.
サンディエゴでは22歳のクリスチャン・ヘルナンデスが,火曜日の朝からベイ・テラスで噴火した火から家族を救い出した. In San Diego, a 22-year-old, Christian Hernandez-May, rescued his family from a fire that broke out early Tuesday morning in their Bay Terraces home. 煙警報を聞いてから、ヘルナンデス-5月はガールフレンドと祖父の逃亡を助け、消防士たちに警告を発した。 After hearing the smoke alarm, Hernandez-May helped his girlfriend and grandfather escape and alerted firefighters. 家族4人は病院に運ばれ,家電から火が起ったとみられ,家には住めなかった. Four family members were taken to the hospital; the fire, believed to have started from an appliance, left the home uninhabitable. 赤十字社は避難民の家族を援助する. The Red Cross will assist the displaced family.