元トランプ大統領は,電化製品の環境基準を逆転させ,バイデンの規定を覆すようEPAに命令する. Former President Trump orders EPA to roll back environmental standards on appliances, reversing Biden's regulations.
元ドナルド・トランプ大統領は,前項の規定による環境基準に逆戻りを指示し,ジョー・ベイデン大統領が導入した洗濯機や皿洗い器などの家庭用品の厳格なエネルギー効率対策を取り消す. Former President Donald Trump has directed the EPA to revert to environmental standards from his first term, undoing stricter energy-efficiency measures on household appliances like clothes washers and dishwashers introduced under President Joe Biden. この動きには,電球や水産製品に関する規制の改正も含め,トランプが"常識基準"と呼ぶところに戻ることを目的としている. This move also includes reversing regulations on light bulbs and water-using appliances, aiming to return to what Trump calls "common sense standards."