少年を含む2人の容疑者は,ダブリンで強盗で逮捕され,銃器が押収された. Two suspects, including a juvenile, were arrested in Dublin for a robbery; a firearm was seized.
2人の男1人は20代で もう1人は未成年で 2025年2月7日にダブリン7区で 盗難事件で逮捕されました Two individuals, one in his 20s and a juvenile, were arrested in connection with a robbery in Dublin's 7th district on February 7, 2025. 逮捕中に銃と弾薬が押収され ガーダ技術局によって分析される A suspected firearm and ammunition were seized during the arrest and will be analyzed by the Garda Technical Bureau. 容疑者は今日後に法廷で 起訴され 大人は刑事裁判所で 少年はダブリン地区児童裁判所で The suspects are expected to appear in court later today, with the adult facing the Criminal Courts of Justice and the juvenile appearing in the Dublin District Children's Court.