シアトルの自宅火災で55歳の女性が重傷を負い,午前7時15分までに管理下に置かれた. A house fire in Seattle critically injured a 55-year-old woman and was under control by 7:15 a.m.
金曜の朝早く,シアトルの143番通りとフレモント・アベニュー・アベニューの近隣で、自宅火災が発生した。 55歳の女性が重傷を負った. Early Friday morning, a house fire in Seattle's Bitter Lake neighborhood near N. 143rd Street and Fremont Avenue N. critically injured a 55-year-old woman. シアトル消防署は午前5時40分ごろに対応し,火災の烈さを理由として女性を救出し,防火攻撃戦略へ移行した. Seattle Fire Department responded around 5:40 a.m., rescuing the woman and transitioning to a defensive firefighting strategy due to the fire's intensity. 事件は午前7時15分までに管理されていたが,原因は未だ不明である. The incident was under control by 7:15 a.m., but the cause remains unknown.