2人の大人が死亡 85歳の女性が重傷 ワシントンD.C.の南南部の住宅で火災発生原因が調査中 1人が拘束 2 adults die, 85-year-old woman critically injured in SE D.C. house fire; cause under investigation, one person in custody.
日曜日の朝,ワシントンD.C.の南東部の家では火災が発生し,34歳の女性と64歳の男性2人が死亡し,85歳の女性は救助された後,重傷を負って病院に搬送されました. A house fire in Southeast D.C. on Sunday morning resulted in the deaths of two adults, a 34-year-old woman and a 64-year-old man, while an 85-year-old woman was critically injured and hospitalized after being rescued. 消防士は午前5時半ごろに到着し,二階で炎が燃えているのを見つけました. Firefighters arrived at around 5:30 a.m. to find flames on the second floor. 火災の原因は調査中であり、住宅での以前の事件に関連して1人が拘留されています。 The cause of the fire is under investigation, and one person has been taken into custody related to prior incidents at the residence.