インドの製造会社は従業員の福祉を改善し,トップ企業は高い雇用満足感を享受する. Indian manufacturing firms improve employee well-being, with top companies seeing high job satisfaction.
新しい報告では,インドの製造業部門が従業員の福祉を改善しつつあり,現在最も良い職場は従業員の87%が前向きに見ている. A new report shows India's manufacturing sector is improving employee well-being, with the best workplaces now viewed positively by 87% of employees. テタ・スティール・インドのような企業は 科学技術革新に伴う心理的安全と 従業員の成長に重点を置いています Companies like Apollo Tyres and Tata Steel India are leading the way by focusing on psychological safety and employee growth, alongside technological innovation. 高い職場の従業員は 健康的な環境で働く可能性が 2.7倍高いのです Employees in the top workplaces are 2.7 times more likely to stay in healthy environments.