連邦警察は,フォート・キャンベルからの米軍警察を,南部国境に派遣し,警備の強化に努めた. U.S. military police from Fort Campbell deployed to the southern border to enhance security efforts.
フォルト・キャンベルの第716回軍事警察大隊大隊隊隊が,国境警備の強化のため,1月25日,アメリカ合衆国南部国境に派遣された. Soldiers from Fort Campbell's 716th Military Police Battalion, part of the 101st Airborne Division, were deployed to the U.S. southern border on January 25 to bolster border security efforts. 国土安全保障及び税関及び国境保護省の職員とともに,米国北司令部を支援する. They will support U.S. Northern Command and work alongside the Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection. ポール・メイソン中尉は 任務の覚悟と誇りを強調しました Lt. Col. Phillip Mason emphasized the unit's readiness and pride in their mission.