元マレーシア首相ナジブ・ラザクは,543M1MDBの汚職事件に関する裁判で26日間の証言を終えた. Former Malaysian PM Najib Razak finishes 26-day testimony in trial over $543M 1MDB corruption case.
元マレーシア首相ナジブ・ラザクは,1MDBからRM227億(約5億5千万円)を含んだ25の権力の乱用と金銭の搾取の容疑に直面する裁判で26日間の証言を終えた. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has finished his 26-day testimony in a trial where he faces 25 charges of abuse of power and money laundering, involving RM2.27 billion (about $543 million) from 1MDB. Najibは,政治への進出前に,企業の統治に限定的な経験があると認めた。 Najib admitted his limited experience in corporate governance before entering politics. 弁護側は 25人の証人を招集する予定です The defense plans to call 25 more witnesses. 裁判はプトラジャヤ高等裁判所で進行中です. The trial is ongoing in the High Court of Putrajaya.