トランプがオフィスに戻ると,監査や年金の損失などの批判に対する報復の恐れが高まる. Trump's return to office raises fears of retaliation against critics, including audits and loss of pensions.
トランプ大統領の大統領再就任は 批判者の懸念を招き 財政的罰金,国税局の監査,連邦政府の年金損失など 報復を恐れています President Trump's return to office has caused concern among his critics, who fear retaliation including financial penalties, IRS audits, and loss of federal pensions. トランプは数十人の元諜報官の 機密許可を抹消し 防衛請負業者の能力に 影響を与えました Trump has already revoked security clearances for dozens of former intelligence officers, impacting their ability to work with defense contractors. この動きは,潜在的な刑事捜査及び法的手数料とともに,大統領の復讐の可能性について不安を起こさせた. This move, along with potential criminal investigations and legal fees, has sparked anxiety about possible vengeance from the president.