オンタリオ州ノーブルトンで女性が撃たれ、犬が殺された家に侵入した後、警察は容疑者を捜索しています。 Police search for suspects after a home invasion in Nobleton, Ontario, where a woman was shot and a dog killed.
NY地方警察は少なくとも3人の容疑者を捜索しており,オンタリオ州ウルトンで47歳の女性が非命の負傷で撃たれた. York Regional Police are searching for at least three suspects after a home invasion in Nobleton, Ontario, where a 47-year-old woman was shot with non-life-threatening injuries. この容疑者は,黒衣を着た若い男性と云われたが,また彼女の犬2匹を射殺し,1匹を殺害し,暗い色合いの車で逃げる前に,家を火災に陥れようとした. The suspects, described as young males in dark clothing, also shot her two dogs, killing one, and tried to set the house on fire before fleeing in a dark-colored car. 警察は これは標的の事件だと Police say this was a targeted incident.