土曜日早くにシカゴのベルモント・クレイグで2人の男が射殺され,一人は負傷,一人は負傷した. Two men were shot in Chicago's Belmont Cragin neighborhood early Saturday; one died, one injured.
シカゴのベルモント・クレイジンの近所で 致命的な発砲があった 土曜の早朝に 1人が死亡 A fatal shooting occurred in Chicago's Belmont Cragin neighborhood early Saturday morning, leaving one man dead and another injured. 25歳と29歳の被害者は,西ベルデン通り6000ブロックの午前2時頃に射殺された. The victims, aged 25 and 29, were shot around 2 a.m. on the 6000 block of West Belden Avenue. 若い男性は銃創で頭部に傷を負い死亡し,背と肩を撃たれた老人は回復している. The younger man died from a gunshot wound to the head, while the older man, shot in the back and shoulder, is recovering. 警察は犯人が赤い車にいたと 考えてる 捜査は進行中だ Police believe the shooter may have been in a red vehicle, and the investigation is ongoing.