スワット部隊の警官が2発撃たれたが ウェストのため無傷だ 容疑者はジョージア州ロズウェルで 銃撃戦で殺された SWAT officer shot twice but unharmed due to vest; suspect killed in Roswell, Georgia, shootout.
ジョージア州ロズウェルの SWAT 警官が 銃撃戦で負傷したが 防弾ベストで救われた A SWAT officer in Roswell, Georgia, was injured but saved by his bulletproof vest during a shootout while serving warrants at a home. この容疑者は凶暴な経歴があり,大晦日のイヴに銃乱射を仕掛けた容疑で,警察官に射殺される前に2度射殺された. The suspect, who had a violent history and was wanted for discharging a gun into the air on New Year's Eve, shot the officer twice before being shot and killed by the officer. グルジア調査局は,調査を指揮している. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is leading the inquiry.