ジョージア州警官2人が負傷 容疑者は銃撃で死亡 銃器店での強盗事件の対応 2 Georgia officers injured, suspect killed in shootout at gun store during burglary response.
ジョージア州警察の2人が負傷し 容疑者は土曜日の朝 スミルナの銃器店 アドベンチャー・アウトドアで 銃撃戦で死亡しました Two Georgia police officers were injured, and a suspect was killed during a shootout at Adventure Outdoors, a gun store in Smyrna, early Saturday. 警官は盗難と銃撃の報告に応じた Officers responded to reports of a burglary and gunfire. 到着すると 武装した容疑者が発砲し 銃撃戦が起きた Upon arrival, the armed suspect opened fire, leading to an exchange of gunfire. 負傷した警官は 生命を脅かす傷を負っていない The injured officers are recovering from non-life-threatening injuries. ジョージア州捜査局は事件を捜査中です 容疑者の動機は不明です The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is investigating the incident, and the suspect's motives remain unclear.