ルイジアナ州の男は2歳児の妻を殺害し,警察によって射殺される前に2人の娘を負傷させた. Man in Louisiana kills wife, 2-year-old child, wounds two daughters before being shot dead by police.
ルイジアナ州のある男性が妻と2歳児を殺害し,他の2人の娘を負傷し,13歳からの911の通報に反応した警察によって射殺された. A man in Louisiana killed his wife and 2-year-old child, wounded his two other daughters, before being fatally shot by police who responded to a 911 call from the 13-year-old. 上の娘は足首に小傷を負ったが,9歳は緊急手術後に重症状態であった. The older daughter had a minor ankle wound, while the 9-year-old was in critical condition after emergency surgery. 悲劇的な事件の動機は,まだ調査中である. The motive behind the tragic incident is still under investigation.