ルイジアナ州にある修道院で 男と1歳の子供が 殺害自殺で死亡 警察の追跡中に A man and his one-year-old child died in a Convent, Louisiana, murder-suicide during a police pursuit.
23歳の男性と1歳児が水曜日にルイジアナ州コンベントで殺人殺人事件で死亡した. A 23-year-old man and his one-year-old child were killed in a murder-suicide incident in Convent, Louisiana, on Wednesday. この悲劇的な事件は,その男が所持品の回収とその後の福祉検査の申請を怠った後,当局が追跡を開始した後に発生した. The tragic event occurred after authorities initiated a pursuit following the man's failure to retrieve his belongings and subsequent welfare check request. 追跡は聖ジェームス・パリッシュで終了した。 そこでは,自傷傷で発見され,その後病院で死亡した. The chase ended in St. James Parish, where the man was found with a self-inflicted gunshot wound and later died in a hospital. やはり射殺された子供は,現場で死亡した. The child, who was also shot, died at the scene. ルイジアナ州警察が捜査を指揮しています The Louisiana State Police are leading the investigation.