クロアチア副首相は、移動中の車から発砲しているところをビデオで示すと、辞職する. Croatian deputy prime minister resigns after video shows him firing gun from a moving car.
クロアチア副首相ジョシップ・ダブロは,歌と笑いながら移動中の車から銃を撃ち出す動画を公開して辞任した. Croatian Deputy Prime Minister Josip Dabro resigned after a video surfaced showing him firing a gun from a moving car while singing and laughing. 国立党のダブロは ビデオは何年も前のものだと主張し 訓練弾を使用していたと主張した. Dabro, a member of the nationalist Homeland Movement party, claimed the video was from years ago and that he was using training bullets. 政府は彼の行動を"不適格かつ無責任"と呼んだ. The government called his actions "inappropriate and irresponsible." この辞表は、以前は汚職調査に対処していたアンドレジュ・プルコヴィッチ首相の政令で,さらに困難に直面している. This resignation adds to the difficulties faced by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic's government, which has previously dealt with corruption probes.